We make it work for you
WPCCU is run by people, for people. It starts at the top, with your volunteer Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, and our leaders.
Board of Directors
Nora Yusa - Chair
Venest Henry-Evans - 1st Vice Chair
Brian Lam - 2nd Vice Chair
Gladys Berry - Secretary
Gerard Watson - Assistant Secretary
Belinda Walker - Treasurer
Cynthia Meekins - Assistant Treasurer
Supervisory Committee
WPCCU’s Supervisory Committee monitors the credit union’s checks and balances system for accuracy of financial resources and the practice of sound internal controls. The committee is also responsible for working with the credit union’s management team to protect the assets of the membership.
Theron Rucker - Chair
Emma “Jacky” Magarin - Vice Chair
Sal Mancilla - Secretary
Wing Wong - Committee Member
Our staff at the credit union is here to serve you, our members. And, sometimes things happen that need further explanation and review. If you feel that your issue cannot be resolved through our regular credit union channels, please feel free to contact your Supervisory Committee through our separate and secured email address email.
Executive team
Mike Tufegdzich - President/CEO
Patrice Mustafa - VP/Chief Operating Officer
Felipe Castaneda - VP/Chief Financial Officer
Dave Covell - Chief Information Officer
Jessica Ortiz - Senior Director of Compliance and Supervisory Committee Liaison