Living COVID-Crazy Lives

I have two young adult kids at home, my oldest age 21 transferring to a Cal State University Fullerton this fall; and my youngest age 18 in his first year of college. My husband and I have both telecommuted from a home office since the start of this pandemic, so we’ve mastered this work-at-home lifestyle. Let’s just say that the initial novelty has worn off and it is no longer considered a “staycation.” To keep ourselves from going what I call COVID-crazy, I continue to research activities that we’ve been implementing in our household.
Plowing the internet for ideas
Of course, my husband and I have our own job tasks that need to get done, so it’s not all just fun and games. And after months of staying safe at home we’ve had our share of watching movies, so I’m determined to broaden our horizons.
I did a Google search on “what to do for fun during COVID.” No surprise that a bunch of links came up. Here is a quick summary of what I found and am now working into our agendas. I will leave some website links at the bottom that I think you will find useful.
Staying sane
I came across a lot of ideas, but the one that stuck with me the most were the ones that talked about reducing anxieties. A new way of life is slowly pivoting, and staying sane as we come out on the other side of this pandemic will take patience and awareness. As stores and restaurants reopen, online shopping and curbside pickup may still be a popular choice. So before jumping into the way things used to be, we may have to take baby steps when we go “back into the outside.”
The new normal
Wearing jammies all day had its moment -- now trendy face masks have become a thing. We’re shifting to a new normal, so think about making this protection a part of our everyday ensemble while making a statement. And as we leave home to visit stores, restaurants and public places, we’ll be required to wear these masks. Together we’ll share these changing life experiences that may still limit us, but remember that this too shall pass.
Maintain a schedule
Keeping you and your household on a routine schedule will still be important. That means consistent times to go to bed and to get up -- especially since sleep is important for staying healthy. Channel your inner drill sergeant, but with a kinder, gentler approach. This schedule should include time for chores, your work, exercising, and having fun.
Now for the fun stuff you can do together.
Vacationing locally
You might be very surprised how many places you can visit right in your own backyard. Once national parks, museums, zoos, safaris and many amusement parks begin to reopen, they’ll welcome back their communities with open arms. For those graduate college tours that may have been missed earlier in the year, this could become a destination for your next road trip. I suggest you open up a paper or online map, choose your state and let the packing begin. Not only is this a good geography lesson, it also opens their eyes to what is out there. Perhaps the timing couldn’t be more perfect if you’ve been thinking about buying or renting a motor home. Lifetime memories are sure to be made here.
Exercise together
Do you remember how easy it is to relearn riding a bicycle? If not, play a game of badminton. Whatever activity you choose, as long as you keep it fun together. Burning some pent-up energy will pay dividends for a clear mind and a good night’s sleep.
Keep cooking
Being cooped up for so long has been a wonderful opportunity to get in the kitchen and learn new things. By now, hopefully some of you have mastered the art of baking your favorite meals or cookies. By no means should this be the end of what you can cook at home. Keep looking for new recipes and maybe your creations may inspire you to share with others or one day start your own business.
Online resources to consider
The Internet is truly vast, with a multitude of resources. Many are free, but there are also subscription-based sites you might think are worth the cost. I leave it to you to make that decision.
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