Life Insurance

You are covered, big time
You are known by the company you keep. And when it comes to insurance, you are now hanging with a very big insurance company, known as the CUNA Mutual Group. They protect 20 million credit union members as CMFG Life Insurance Company, a corporation with $20+ billion in assets and an 80-year history of serving credit unions and the people they serve.
CMFG developed TruStage Insurance Agency to find you the best coverage from the best providers, through all stages of your life.
Life insurance is the ultimate form of paying it forward
Actually, it should be named Your Loved One’s Insurance. That’s because while you are insuring your life, it is your loved one’s future you are protecting. And as such, it is the ultimate form of paying it forward.
And you can save a lot
Because TruStage is looking out for you, they can save you more money than if you were shopping by yourself. They know all the tricks to get you the most coverage for the lowest cost.
Check out the savings from the TruStage life Insurance Program.