Our hearts go out to everyone affected by the Southern California fires. If you need financial assistance, please call us at 800-300-9728 or submit a request. Learn More. We’re here for you. ### As a reminder, be cautious of scammers pretending to provide assistance during this time of emergency. DO NOT RESPOND. Report it by calling us or submit a fraud report.
On behalf of our Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, Management, and Staff, it gives me great pleasure to once again present this year’s CEO message and share the amazing successes that our Credit Union experienced in 2023.
Join WPCCU in recognizing the talents, cultures and the contributions of two very enduring heritages who have helped form the fabric of American history and society.
In response to recent bank failures, most notably Silicon Valley Bank, we wanted to assure our members that WPCCU is financially strong and well capitalized.