Power Advance Loans

The better payday loan
Sometimes, your back is to the financial wall and you need cash now. For these times, WPCCU has a better alternative to the traditional payday loan. We call it the PowerAdvance Loan. Its annual percentage rate is a fraction of what payday loans can cost in California. And unlike payday lenders that give you only 14-days to pay it back, we give you 60-days.
But it is important that you know the facts, since all payday loans will cost you more than any type of loan. Here is a list of resources to learn more.
- Learn more about the PowerAdvance loan terms.
- Learn more about payday loans from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
- Learn about payday loans from the InCharge Debt Solutions, a nonprofit debt counseling service.
- View a national map of payday loan annual percentage rates.
Budgeting can make the difference
Use a home budget calculator to get a handle on where your money is going and what you can afford.
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